Stop Chasing Investors & Start Raising More Capital

Fully Automated Investor Funnels And Follow-Up Campaigns Use The Power Of A.I. To Build Your List And Get New Investors

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Get Investor Leads From Website, WebChat, SMS, DMs, and More

Follow-Up With Our Proven Pre-Built Email, SMS, & Messenger Marketing Campaigns

Send Them To Our Pre-Built Funnels And Web Pages That Are Proven To Convert

Use RaiseGenie AI To Close More Investors In Three Easy Steps

Get Investor Leads From Every Channel Not Just Websites

RaiseGenie A.I. can get investor leads from everywhere, not just from your website.

  • Get Investor Leads Directly From Facebook Messenger and Instagram DMs ...And Follow Up With Them Automatically!

  • Get Investor Leads Directly From Web-Chat ...And Follow Up With Them Automatically!

  • Get Investor Leads Directly From Inbound Calls And Texts ... And Follow Up With Them Automatically!

  • Get Investor Leads Directly From Facebook Lead Forms... And Follow Up With Them Automatically!

Follow-up and close investors with our pre-built fully automated A.I. campaigns

Complete multi-step campaigns with pre-written copy templates that are ready to go at the press of a button. No “Tech Stuff” Needed!

  • The “7-Day Investor Acquisition” Sequence for closing more investors fast

  • The “Comeback” Sequence for when people start to invest in your offering... but leave before they complete their investment

  • The "Watcher" Sequence sends relevant content about your company and offering and watches for investors to engage and then automatically connects you with them to close

  • The "On-Demand" Investor Webinar Sequence for pushing investor prospects right into your highest converting asset

  • The Investor "Call Booking" Sequence for getting investors to book a call with you or your team when they are on the fence or hot to trot

  • The "Automated Offering" Launch Sequence with early bird A.I. and A.I. deadline

Send Them To Our Proven, Pre-Built Investor Funnels and High-Converting, Compliant Offering Pages (Or Use Your Own!)

Here are some of our pre-made investor funnels and online offering websites that you can start using right away.

  • The "High-Converting" Online Capital Raising Investor Website with more than a dozen industry templates for you to plug-and-play

  • The “On-Demand Investor Webinar” Funnel With A.I. to register, broadcast, and replay your webinar to investor prospects

  • The "Live Investor" Webinar Funnel with A.I. for when you need to host a live webinar for your investors and investor prospects

  • The "Free Investment Research Report" Funnel for you to capture thousands of investor leads and educate and sell your investor prospects

  • The "Three Pitch" Offering Launch Funnel for pitching your offering in chunks and telling your story with power

Introducing The RaiseGenie A.I. Lead Box

The A.I. Lead Box identifies your most interested investor prospects and allows you or your IR Team to have real-time conversations via Email, Text, or Messenger. It’s like putting a box around your most valuable and interested investors.

It knows when they're just on the brink of investing and allows you to step in, answer questions, and close the deal.

Here are just a few of the ways A.I. Lead Box Can Help You Close More Investment Dollars...

  • If someone starts to invest but doesn't, A.I. Lead Box can alert you, send them a text, and allow you to have a two-way text conversation right there in the Lead Box itself. (You never have to leave RaiseGenie A.I.)

  • If someone goes to your investment offering page, A.I. Lead Box can email, call, or text them for you and ask if they have any questions. When they reply, you'll see their reply right there in the Lead Box, and you can start selling directly.

  • Let's say you send an email out that says "Open This If You're On The Fence". A.I. Lead Box can track everyone who opens and then reach out to them with an offer to answer questions over email, chat, messenger, or phone. All of their replies are right there in the Inbox so everything is organized and super simple. (This one tactic alone is a game-changer.)

Gain Key Insights Into Your Offering Campaign Performance

Easily see how well your campaigns and IR team are performing so that you can increase your opportunities and investor dollars closed!

Let RAISEGENIE A.I. Do The Work For You Today!

Here's Everything You Get When You Use RaiseGenie A.I.

Omni Present Investor Lead Capture
(Worth $1,997)

FB & IG Messenger Integration
(Worth $1,997)

Pre-Written & Automated A.I. Follow-Up Campaigns (Worth $9,997)

Pre-Built High Converting Investor Website and Funnel Templates (Worth $9,997)

The A.I. Lead Box With Two-Way Multi-Channel Conversations (Worth $997)

Mobile App To Close Investor Prospects On The Go
(Worth $997)

Live Call Transfer With Your Own Local IT Phone Number (Worth $497)

Full Tech Support 24/7 To Ensure That Your Offering Runs Smoothly ($997 Value)

Advanced Reporting That Tracks Your Entire Offering Progress ($997 Value)


Total Value: $28,473+

And if you were to pay a marketing agency to put even half of this together you'd expect to spend $30,000.

With RaiseGenie A.I. you won't even pay a fraction of this.

RaiseGenie A.I. replaces your need to spend $10's of thousands of dollars on marketing agencies, design, CRMs, website hosting and more.

Schedule A Demo Today!


  • 12 Pre-Built And Automated investor Follow-up email campaigns with copy templates

  • drag and drop custom email builder

  • drag and drop custom automation builder

  • campaign and automation reporting

  • automatic a.i. investor list segmentation

  • connect to your current website through zapier

  • facebook lead form integration

  • Drag And Drop investor Funnel Builder.

  • Drag And Drop investor Website Builder.

  • Website Reporting For investor closes And Leads.

  • Split Testing And Reporting.

  • 9 Pre-Built And Tested investor Funnels with copy templates

  • 12 pre-built and tested investor offering websites with copy templates

  • investor hub password protected Site to keep your investors informed of important company information

  • Facebook Conversion API Integration.

  • live support 7-days per week

  • Calendar and Scheduling System.

  • Omnipresent Lead Capture (Get Investor leads from Social messages, chatbots, and SMS).

  • Facebook Messenger and Instagram DM Integration.

  • Automated Social Media Posting and Scheduling.

  • RaiseGenie A.I. Unified Lead Box.

  • Two-Way SMS.

  • Web-Chat to SMS.

  • Two-Way Messenger and DMs.

  • Click-To-Call From Local Number (all done from within RaiseGenie A.I.)

  • dozens of pre-built website and funnel templates that you can use to run your core business... not just your investor offering

  • Automated SMS Follow-Up.

  • Facebook Custom Audience Integration For Automated Retargeting.

  • Live Support 7 Days Per Week.

  • Weekly Live Q&A With The Founder.

Schedule A Demo Today!


  • 12 Pre-Built And Automated investor Follow-up email campaigns with copy templates

  • drag and drop custom email builder

  • drag and drop custom automation builder

  • campaign and automation reporting

  • automatic a.i. investor list segmentation

  • connect to your current website through zapier

  • facebook lead form integration

  • live support 7-days per week

  • Drag And Drop investor Funnel Builder.

  • Drag And Drop investor Website Builder.

  • Website Reporting For investor closes And Leads.

  • Split Testing And Reporting.

  • 9 Pre-Built And Tested investor Funnels with copy templates

  • 12 pre-built and tested investor offering websites with copy templates

  • investor hub password protected Site to keep your investors informed of important company information

  • Facebook Conversion API Integration.

  • Calendar and Scheduling System.

  • Omnipresent Lead Capture (Get Investor leads from Social messages, chatbots, and SMS).

  • Facebook Messenger and Instagram DM Integration.

  • Automated Social Media Posting and Scheduling.

  • RaiseGenie A.I. Unified Lead Box.

  • Two-Way SMS.

  • Web-Chat to SMS.

  • Two-Way Messenger and DMs.

  • Click-To-Call From Local Number (all done from within RaiseGenie A.I.)

  • dozens of pre-built website and funnel templates that you can use to run your core business... not just your investor offering

  • Automated SMS Follow-Up.

  • Facebook Custom Audience Integration For Automated Retargeting.

  • Live Support 7 Days Per Week.

  • Weekly Live Q&A With The Founder.

We Seamlessly Integrate With 2000+ Tools

Integrate RaiseGenie AI With Tools You Already Love With Custom Integration And Zapier

Frequently Asked Questions

What Kind Of Support Do You Provide?

We provide comprehensive automation that will execute and automate workflows across your high-value business processes. Our smart AI will put SMS, Email, Web Chat, Phone Calls, and Call Bookings on autopilot. We also provide 24/7 technical support to our customers.

How Do I Get Started?

Sign up for a Demo of our Essentials, Professional, or Platinum plans and see how easy our A.I. software and templates make running your online investor offering.

How Secure Is My Investor Data?

In 2021, data privacy and security are every company's obligation. That's why we ensure compliance with all governing laws and regulations, as well as provide extra protection against security breaches.

How Does Your Automation Work?

We provide comprehensive automation that will execute and automate workflows across your high-value capital raise processes. Our smart campaigns will put SMS, Email, Web Chat, Phone Calls, and Call Bookings on autopilot.

Can I Cancel My Account At Any Time?

You can cancel at any time after your onboarding and first month. No need to worry about obligations or contracts.

What Platforms Do You Integrate With?

Our integration spans across multiple platforms for simple and seamless automation. We use Zapier to automate between all your apps with ease.

Ready To Close More Investors?

Schedule A Demo Now!

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